miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

Week 20: Rave reviews

I found a film review about Hunger Games. In this kind of reviews, you can see that the information is devided in four paraghraps. Fistly, you will find the title of the film and then, the review will start saying what kind of film is and when it was made. In the second paragraph, an explanation of the film' story but without telling the ending. Regarding the third paragraph, you can read the opinion from the writer who did the review, so you will know if they loved or not that film.
Finally, the recomendation about if people should go to see that movie or it is a waste of time to go to the cinema.


I have not been doing so much at home this week regarding English. I have been a bit busy working due to Carnivals. But I have not lost any of my classes at University or SIDI, so I cannot say I have not been doing anything.

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